
i think i will do that

 i think i think i will be a singer.   i will be, i will try to work hard whatever other people say to me, i just do and pursue my dream. because it is my dream, because it's my favorite thing. since I find I can watch in voice continuously three hours and also I truly love music like Avril Lavigne loves music and plays her guitar and sings her song.  I love, I truly love whatever my age.  

you can never hurt me

hell you. you can never hurt me. because i have Les Brown's and Tim Ferriss' and Carol Dweck's and Larry Smith's support.    i will never be hurt. if i dream of the bad memories in midnight, i will recall the word Les Brown ever said, it's bot over until i win and live my live. i will continue read his books, i will read over them because they can push me and give me powerful strengths. i want the power of persistence so i read.     

take out your silly things

 take out your silly things because i never need it. so take out your things, you probably think all everything is okay if i send something to give me, and then i will accept that and you deeply hunt me the things seeming like never happen like everything is okay like you never watch that fault to me, hell you it's so ridiculous to me. you had hurt me and say if you send me something so everything is okay the hurting things seem like never happen. so fuck you. it's so so so ridiculous, it's a theory or just your religion like you have done something and you're not wrong because you have done something you have justified you haven't made any mistakes. hey you guys really really really think you're wrong to hurting me the things, oh oh oh you just are proud of yourself as the parents, you you you the parents oh oh oh hell your parents it's so ridiculous. unexpectedly you think you're wrong you haven't any faults. oh fuck you oh fuck you. when i met dad...

talk about the hell goal

 i remember a drama TV named  Class of the Queen, that teach me how to protect myself when i am bullied by other people i have to fight with them and beat them not just stand here bullied. i hate fucking bullied shit, and the memories forever imprint my brain because i never forget those scenes fucking bullied shit. the strong people the popular people in the school always bullied the weak people yes like previous myself. i admit i have no ideas or any thoughts about bullying because i am never taught by anyone. the teachers in element, junior, senior high school never teacher that i met, they just said didn't bully didn't bully anyone, so what the hell jokes are those bullied students never told the teacher they are bullied by other students, because they fear they are afraid that guys will do this again but they hell don't know the guys can't stop the hell bullying movement  for their not telling teacher the things. holy shit i never know i can fight back with the guy...

write something to myself

when i am in the swimming pool, i recall the memories i ever drowned in the swimming pool in that time when i was little boy i think probably seven years old. since i have the experience drowning, i almost couldn't go swimming because i fear i maybe drown again whatever in any swimming pool.  i hate swimming just because that accident probably happens again. that thing still remain  in my heart. and today when i swim, i also recall another thing. i don't know i recall my cousin, who is my aunt's son, he usually bullied me whatever i got into their home or he got into my home. i hate the feeling when i was bullied that is very sad things to me because i don't know how to tell him '' fucking you don't bully me because i will beat you back '' so i still was bullied by that cousin. and i remembered another cousin also bullied me. oh this is so fucking thing to me. it's so hard to say anything about my sadness in my heart you know, i even don't kn...


三峽吃什麼第19彈 三峽吃什麼,吃 愛國路的日式珍珠紅豆餅 - 恩恩,這家很愛,因為甜度非常適合我,奶油、紅豆都是,今天吃冷掉的時候也好吃耶!蠻驚訝的,呵呵,不過還是熱呼呼的更好吃啦! 他的餅皮蠻特別的,是屬於雞蛋糕那種餅皮,軟的。 恩恩,我之前是說我喜歡全脆的車輪餅,沒錯,但是對於這種雞蛋糕的餅皮我也是來者不拒啊,因為我也是喜歡吃雞蛋糕的群眾,尤其加奶油,現在我吃純雞蛋糕會有點沒勁~ 所以要吃就要吃有加奶油。 柔軟的餅皮搭配好吃的內餡,給過~ 紅豆、奶油均店家自己製作。 剛剛看了一下google評論,只有六則,有點少,如果有吃過覺得好吃的話,不妨留一下評論唄! 好吃怎麼可以不分享~ - 吃過 7次,再訪率90% - 營業店家:日式珍珠紅豆餅 營業地點:23742新北市三峽區愛國路16號 營業時間:(一)-(五)14:00–20:00、(六)(日)12:30–20:00 營業電話:0954114013