take out your silly things

 take out your silly things because i never need it.

so take out your things, you probably think all everything is okay if i send something to give me, and then i will accept that and you deeply hunt me the things seeming like never happen like everything is okay like you never watch that fault to me, hell you it's so ridiculous to me. you had hurt me and say if you send me something so everything is okay the hurting things seem like never happen. so fuck you.

it's so so so ridiculous, it's a theory or just your religion like you have done something and you're not wrong because you have done something you have justified you haven't made any mistakes. hey you guys really really really think you're wrong to hurting me the things, oh oh oh you just are proud of yourself as the parents, you you you the parents oh oh oh hell your parents it's so ridiculous. unexpectedly you think you're wrong you haven't any faults. oh fuck you oh fuck you.

when i met dad, he will say how's going and he say what is your goal and what is you tend to do and what is your plan, he say it every time, but he don't react to my deeply questions. don't fuck me let my mood become worse. 

and if i say i have a dream to do, he will say nothing about it because he don't think i can do that for my dream. so what hell you why every time you want to ask me what is your goal what is you intend to do. what the hell why you every time ask that when i met. you really think about me as a machine or a person that i will answer you that you want me to answer?      

i don't know you want me to answer you the hell job you expect and i don't want to know it, because i have my life, and i intend to embrace like Les Brown ever said don't giver up your dream and must have your persistence to your dream until you win the game of the world.

the hell job i don't care what is it, i just don't that, because i'm not you. and you're me okay.

you never know about my thought ever i told you many times. if i ever told you that like i take my heart out to share the cherishing things to me with you but you don't care that, what the hell so my sharing is not any meaningful to me. just hell sharing because you never listen to me you never see it you never in your heart in your brain.

i hate your behaviors, the hell respect to old people, the hell work hard to your job and then your boss will give your shot and your boss won't abuse you or curse you forever, oh oh oh don't be silly guy, oh oh oh don't be say that forever because you were lying when you said it because things won't happen every time. exactly honestly it not happen unless you are the boss by yourself.

i hate the narrow thought, the traditional thought , the closed thought.

my sister ever said i hate them because i hate his job i discriminate his job, i don't i not hate his job, i think he ever work hard and i know it's hard to make money to him. but it not represent i hate his job.

i hate thing is his thought because it will deeply hurt me. just that

oh i almost forget something to say to you. my mom ever said everything is okay because she think she believe those terrible things tomorrow will disappear including the things hurting me.

so we will get the theory that everything is okay if we have tomorrow if we exist tomorrow like a machine like zombie. yeah i think wow it's so beautiful theory. it's so ridiculous to believer it because it is just like put your head into the ground and never never appear in the ground just deeply into ground because that don't think everything. that don't need independent thinking, do it?

it's so ridiculous, the hell theory.



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